Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tac and Harness Inc.

Ahh my first Formspring question!
Anonymous wrote :I love stories in which girls are treated like milk cows. Do you have any such stories?

Well Anon as it turns out I did co-write a story like that. It took a few days for the other author to get back with me and alow me to shae it here.

This story came from an e-mail based role play session. The point of view moves back and forth between the two characters as the story unfolds.


You are the director of marketing research and advertising for Tac and Harness Incorporated.

It is a complant that designs, builds, and sells all manner of horse gear and related paraphernalia. Everything form saddles and spurs, bits and bridles, horse shoes and riding crops and switches to hormonal supplements, feed, and vaccinations.

Every part of a horse's life is covered by the company, regardless of if its a race horse, riding horse, or work horse.

Your job is to see what kind of products there is a demand for, produce them, and advertise them. You have teams designated for each task.

You have a plush corner office in your high rise office building and direct access to a special display and product testing room of your own design. Today your schedule is less bussy then normal. There are three things that you should get to.

1) Find a new model for advertising purposes. Both a horse and rider, or a horse and walker, need to be found.

2) There have ben some requests from ... outside the normal demand for horsing equipment. Apparently this stuff could be used for immoral purposes. gasp. Is it true. research may be needed.

3) You have full access to the security cameras in your sector through your office monitors. You can also view anything going on any or the computers in your sector. Apparently one of your two secretaries has ben playing solitaire on the computer. She has already done her work for the day, but your sure she can find a more constructive use for her time. Upon closer observation she appears to have food hidden in her desk and may not be in compliance with te office dress codes.

What do you do? Wich direction do you go?


I come from my office and approach you about these concerns...

"Jenny we need to talk about a few things." I said with a stern tone.

I noticed you're wearing a black little dress and some 8in heels. Its low cut on the top and snug against your firm breast.....cut short showing off your sexy legs..

"I noticed you've been slacking off and playing solitary and eating at your work station. Also your dress attire is a little risky for this work environment." Trying not to stare at your cock is starting to get hard.

You start stuttering in shock trying to think of something to say...."Jenny....maybe you should just work late tonight and help me get some research done."

I inform you what I need done and tell you to come up with something by 5:30 and be in my office by then....

"Now get to work Jenny"....


The remaining three hours of the company work day goes very quickly. YOu are doing your own research on how your companies equipment may be misused. There are a LOT of websites out there that cater to that kind of bondage and sites that use women as slaves wearing horse gear. There are even sites about women being misused by horses and other things. Oh the scandal! You are glad that your company isnt tied in directly with any of them, although you did e-mail a few sites about removing identifying logos from your company before your equipment is used to objectify women.

You watch the security cameras and the computer feed. I do appear to be working hard. Doing research, checking websites, contacting models... You do notice two possible discrepancies. After looking at a pornographic web site related to the research for a while I took an extended bathroom break for nearly half an hour and came back to my work station flushed. The second discrepancy involves me taking a lollipop out of my desk for my enjoyment about a half hour before closing. It looks like I finished it quickly, and tried to hide it from the cameras.

At 5:28 I knock on your office door.

"Come in Miss White". I enter and stand somewhat uncomfortably in your large dark office.

"Sir I did research on the two areas you specified. First of all three of our magazines need spreads developed for next month. Filly in Show needs a young mare and a Colt in full harness moving at a canter, both with an without rider.

Show horse wants a demonstration of how some equipment should be applied to a mare.

And Workhorse Quarterly wants a comparison of wich supplements, enzymes and hormones can increase milk production and fertility rates in horses. They also want practical demonstrations for each.

I have already arranged a listing for both possible mares and colts and tried to contact the usual models, but have not received any return calls yet.

The other research You had me do produced a list of websites that may misuses our equipment. I contacted our lawyer staff and they tell me that it may be possible to sue them under the concept of product defamation if our equipment is misused.

Oh and sir.. about the OTHER thing you taked to me about. It wont happen again".

You listen to my phenomenal research, rub your chin and think about what direction to proceed....


"Hmmmmmm well I'm glad you were able to get this information together for me. There still seems to be a few issues that need to be addressed and research needs to be done." I said with a concerned tone..

I pulled out some horse whips.....ranging from old style to new style. Then some leather straps.....some spurs...

"Miss White how familiar are you with these items? Have you ever used them or understand what their purpose are?" As I get out of my chair....

I pick up one with the multiple strands and walk to the door and lock it.

"I also noticed your long extended bathroom break after some in-depth research..and the sucker you had at the desk...." I slam the whip on the desk...


My eyes are suddenly huge as you lock the door. When you slam the whip down on the desk I jump and yelp slightly.

I raise my hands defensively and take a half stap away.... fear getting the better of me.

"Sir I have always ben a model employee and one o your most productive employees. Why... why take this stance with me? I admit the lollipop was against the rules, but its better then a trip to the coffee machine every half hour like some"....


My voice trails off. Something about the way you are flexing the cat in your hands has me very intimidated. You notice that my tight black shirt has developed two very apparent nubs despite the bra underneath.

You reach over to your controls and flip a switch. My own voice comes over the intercom loudly with the tale tell echo often associated with the bathroom. A wet rhythmatic sound accompanying it.

"MMmm ohh yeah thats good. That would be so hot.. to be forced naked into a stall and Milked by a hard inhuman machine like that. In public... To have the pressure... the sucking... and watching my milk spurt... OOOhhhhh...yesss.. and to have it done by him.... oh boss"...

"My records indicate that you were on a website dedicated to human cattle and horses before then. Anything you want to tell me Ms White".

"Ummm no boss".


"Then how do you explain this? Do you know how unprofessional and dirty this is?" I said sternly

I slide the whip across your shoulders....I notice you start to shiver. Its starting to turn me on. My wife hasn't been putting out and been very frustrated lately and need some release....but need to make an example of this insubordinate.

"Miss White I'm tired of hearing excuses...and I believe its time an example is made. If you want to be be treated like an animal maybe Ill do just that. GET ON THE FLOOR ON ALL FOURS NOW!!!!" I command.


I am overwhelmed, professionally I have always idolized you. I worked so hard to impress you. And now you take my dirty secret and show it to me. You rightly tell me that I can not do these things at work without penalty. Scared and excited I whisper...

"Yes... yes your right. I broke the rules. I must be punished. Your the boss and you make the rules....

I... I.... need new rules to follow so that I stay your best employee.....

Please dont fire me. You know I will work hard..... under..... you".

I get down on my hands and knees, crossing my ankles out of humiliated modesty. I am glad I am fully clothed. That my boss cant see the shame of what he does to me. I... dont know if I will stay that way... If he is going to treat me as an animal, does that mean he is going to give me the production shots too? Im my minds eye I can see the big needles going deeply into my tits and them swelling tight and firm up two whole cup sizes as they scream to be milked ... like an animal.


"Mmmmmmm....lets see. Well like any animal we got to check you over....see what quality of best you are." I said with a grin

I straddle you from behind...grab your ears...pull your hair.... rip down your dress grab and grope your breast..feel between your legs...

"Oh what's this? No undies....your just a best for breeding are you?"...

I continue down your legs and notice you shaking and how firm and tone your ass is. I take my whip and snack your ass.

"Well my breeding stock needs her milk sacks need to be full"....I bring out a long needle to inject your breast with production hormones. You also see a milking machine behind me.

"Now this might sting a little" I laughed


With a commanding and relaxed presence my boss takes control of me. In a matter of minutes he looks me over, pulls my hair and slaps my ass with the whip. He strips me naked and rubs over my C cup breasts and my trimmed wet pussy. The way he grabbed and cupped his hand over my weeping sex made me tremble. And then he squeezed gently.

I gasped at the touch. And nor he is bringing out the fearful instrument of my earlier lusts. These production chemicals are designed for animal that weigh seven hundred pounds. No telling what they do on a human woman of only 122 pounds.

My eyes widen as I stare at the green liquid in the syringe. The syringe itself is terrifying. Square headed needle of four inches long. Horrible. Why does my pussy spasm at the though of it? I cant help but shake slightly as yo bring it near me.

"Sir, please, do you know what your doing? That stuff can be dangerous"!

You smile and set the needle down on the table before thoughtfully picking up the instruction pamphlet and smacking me across the face. I land on my side and when he tells me to get up I obey instantly. He looks at the manual...

<Hormonal extract c12.

Dose, 2 injections, one per mammary. Inject directly and deeply into the milk ducts.

Indications. Causes temporary increased milk production and increased sexual response in bovines and equines. In smaller animals product will cause swelling and firming of the breasts, greatly increases milk production, increased sexual response, and increased egg production.

Possible side effects. Product has caused in some instances permanent increase in milk production, mammary size and sexual response. Other possible side effects include reduced intelligence, hyper sensitivity to touch and dry mouth.

Indications and side effect chance increases dramatically with additional doses. DO NOT use with alcohol. >

YOu read the instructions and say,

"Dont worry Jenny, you will be fine. This might be jest what you need around here". You smirk as you speak. It makes me more nervous.

"Now on your knees, spread your legs, put your hands behind your head and thrust those at me. Very nice".

He feels up my breasts as he brings the needle closer.

"Lets see where wore we, oh yes. This wont sting a bit. Ha ha ha".

With a sudden plunge he pushes the excruciatingly painful needle deep into my right breast STRAIGHT UP THROUGH MY NIPPLE. I scream, the sound echoing through the room. But I barely manage to keep still. You leave it in me and grab another needle from the leather pouch. I note with dread there are at least half a dozen needles more. YOu slowly drive this needle into my left breast, twisting as yo go. I howl like a madwoman and nearly lose it. Again the needle is still in me. You pat my head and say 'good girl' even as my mind begins to fog slightly. Everything begins to feel very very warm. My tits start to tighten n and swell. The increased pressure is bearing down in part on the needles within my tits and begins to throb.


"Oh Jenny......look at your breast firm up..Lets inject it in and see what happens" I laugh....

You moan and scream and reach for the needle...

"Nooooo!!!!!!" You cry out...

I grab your hands before you can stop me. I reach for my desk and bran some leather bindings and tie your hands....very tightly behind your back. I grab my whip and strike your back.....

I grab your hair and pull your head back.."If you try to stop me again you cow I will whip you till you pass out..." in a very angry tone....

I noticed how your arched your back when I whipped you...your breast are starting to swell up....

"Lets finish injecting those perky tits.....its a three part this will be fun. " with an ever tone

I finish injecting the first needs.....and Yank them you as you scream and tears come down your face....your nipples start to leak. So I get the other needles and jam them back down your nipples....

"Is this what you were expecting from your little porn site? I got to say its turning me on.....I notice that tight little pussy is getting wet. Ok.....last set of needles....hope you're ready for what's next cause I know I am....been wanting to tech you a lesson for awhile...."


I struggle weekly, my enlarging tits bouncing from side to side as I work my shoulders.

You see my eyes roll back in my head and my face becomes flushed pink, mouth hanging open as I moan. You enjoy the sight of me but are amazed by the speed of the injections. My tits are already ballooning out and becoming dark pink. You squeeze them and are surprised to feel them hard and tight.

You smack one and it slams across my chest like a ball connected to me by a tether. I fall over as you laugh. Yo pull me back to my knees and ask..

"Earth to Jenny, is it what you expected? Do you like having monster tits? I notice that there are drops of hungry girl juice dripping from your mound... Tell me what your thinking".

"Ummm hurts, bobbies hurt and... all of me feel so... nummy... giggle.... mmmmm... I always like boss... boss big and manly and prof... prof... good at work.... ad soooo yummy and"... I look down at your crotch , my pupils completely dilated as I look at the front of your pants.

"Hard"? I ask hopefully.

My tits are getting HUGE by now. Swollen purple they are the size of basketballs! Little droplets of milk ooze from my now thumb sized nipples!

'Holy shit' you think to yourself.


I pull out my cock and your loom at it.with amazement. I rub it across your lactating nipples and your warm milk feels so good...with a little squeeze it shoots out all over it. I grab ahold of your hair.....

"I think you need to taste your milk Jenny" as I force you down on my cock..

You suck on my cock like a pro....slurping...licking...and suction like a vacuum. I move your head up and down my shaft and you seem like you can't get enough of it. I force it down your throat to the point you choke. I pull you off and slap you across the face....

"You can only have it if your can take it suck that fucking cock right you slut" as I pick you back up by your hair.

I shove it back down your throat and you look up at me with tears as you're trying not to gag.

"Mmmmmm that's its time to milk my cow whore...." I said with a smile.

I bend you over a small desk....take some rope and tie it to your bindings around your wrists to a beam in the ceiling....with you slightly elevated your engorged breast or in the perfect position to hook up the milking machine......



I giggle as Im hoisted up into the air slightly.

"OOooooooo.. LOOKIE"! I seem amazed by my own breasts and the way they wobble back and forth as I swing in the rope harness. You are enjoying the hell out of seeing your conservative highly intelligent secretary with her c cup sized breasts become this horny airhead bimbo with g cup slammers. YOu watch a light drizzle of pussy juice drip from my very tight looking snatch as I swing. YOu stop me by grabbing my hair and smacking my ass hard.


"Stay still"! You try and keep from laughing.

You begin to prepare my enormous tits for suction. YO begin to rub them over with lotion to relax the stretched skin and nd avoid stretch marks, but mostly tp get a good suction so that you can really work them over.

You take each hard nipple in your hand. An inch around and nearly three long they are dark purple wonders. YOu lick one for an instant before biting down on it. I squeal with joy and then you turn on the milking machine. YOu have a know that varies the suction for 1 to 10 and a knob that varies the 'sucking' pressure regulator from 0 to 10. You notice there are four hoses.

'Of course, you think. This thing is designed to work over cows'. You laugh to yourself as you connect a hose to each nipple. Instantly the nipple is pulled deeply in toward the center of the suction cup.

"OOoo yeah... Suck Jenny. Jenny likes sucky". I lick my lips and close my eyes in rapture.


As soon as I hook them up your nipples squirt out milk. You moan in pleasure as I start off on the low setting. I turn it up half way....your eyes are getting bigger as the pleasure turns to pain.....

"Mmmmm look that that matching work you tits Jenny....." as they are turning purple where the cups attached.

You giggle and start breathing heavy....I think you're about to cum. Right as I realized what was happening you lift up your head and scream......."Yessssssss!!!!" As your body shakes. Your pussy is dripping all over the desk.....

"OH MY JENNY.....hasn't your husband been making you cum?" As I laugh.....

"Well I can't let that nice pussy go to waste...." as I walk behind you...

You're not really all there at the moment...between the injections and cumming all over.....I spread you legs with little resistance...slide my finger between your pussy lips.....nice and wet.......


Hesitating only a moment you align your hard cock up with my dripping wet peach before you thrust firmly, deeply into me.

"Wheee"! I yelp in joy at the sudden welcome intrusion. The silken tightness is instantly milking you deeply within me. Its incredible. As you pull all the way back and drive forward all the way to the balls with each thrust you are sure that this is one of the best pussies you have ever had. With every forward thrust more juice is driven from me over the top of the desk. My orgasm rolls on and on until you are not sure if its the same one that started. You keep fucking.

"Yeah... teach ... me"!.....


I grab the flog of the deck and whip your ass with every thrust. My balls smacking against you as your juices drip off my sack.

"I can't wait for your husband to see your over engorged breast...and your juices leaking down your legs." as I laughed.

Since you're enjoying this so much I go to the controls and Max out the milking pulls on your breasts so hard and the milk is rolling out. You scream in pain but then laugh.....

"Mmmmmm milk my tities" you scream

I shove my cock in your mouth and make you clean off your juices off my throbbing cock. You feel the veins in my shaft throb as you suck on it.

"Look up at your boss when you suck his cock you little slut".....


"gag.. he he he..choke cough.. ahhhh... Hubby?.. Markus not like big boobies... cough! so much. ... He likes natura.. natur... little boobies! Yay.. cough-sput... boobies! HE doesnt even.. want Jenny to shave but I .... cough GAG! do anyway so I can feel... SEXY FEEL!! choke... suck sucks suck"....

"Really Ms White? Well dont worry there will always be a place around here... somewhere.. for you and your permanent... ohhh giant .... tits .... and dumb as shit... SLUT.... AGGHHHHH!!!!.... body... Oh thats nice. Yeah let me paint your pretty little face. Hmm Its not every whore that would take ashot in her eyes and not close it".

"Giggle... I LIKE CUMMIES"!

You look at my horribly distended nipples as the suction cups dig into my breasts a bit. The suction is unreal. Spurt arter spurt os milk is being pulled forth. SOmehow my body has produced six or seve cups of the stuff with no sign of slowing down. If anything production increased with the whipping and sex. Its likely sexual stimulation increases the hormones that produce the milk. You leave the pressure on maximum and ratchet up the rhythm half way. You can visibly see the niples retract and get pulled back in the tube with every suck. I put my fingers in my hair and muss them. Cumming even more then before. A tiny constant stream of juice lost from my steaming tight cunt.

YOu decide to take some pictures of this cum covered slut. I begin to notice after several flashes and start posing for them while giggling. Your cock is growing hard again. I take direction very well. Perhaps these may even make it into one of those magazines you need to fill. We are certainly testing the hormones and equipment.


You're such a sexy slut....who would think just hours ago you were just a quiet little secretary....

"Mmmmm you look so good covered in my cum......I bet your pussy would look better with my cum ooozzzzing out of it" as I take another pic...

I get behind you and take pics with my cock sliding in and out of your pussy. Your ass is cut up and red from being whipped so much. Your so out of it you can tell how bad it must hurt. You're gushing from your soft peach....I'm amazed how many times you have cummed.

I pull your head back as I grabbed your hair...."I'm going to cum in you...then grab the super glue from my desk and seal all my cum in you...."


"Ohhh baby... jenny likes ... awwwyeahhhh.... coooo... HUH? whats stuper glue"?

You laugh as you slam into me harder. Its amazing. The muscular action never slows down or seems to stretch mutch.

You smack my ass hard several times in pace with the sucking form the milking machine. Finally the milk flow is beginning to slow and, while my breast have not shrunk mutch, they are no longer purple except where the machine is bruising them They also seem to sag more. Looking over at the gage you see its at an astonishing twelve and a half cups of milk!

With one final lunge you reach up and squeeze my large wobbly breasts HARD and fill me with your cum. I scream in unison and drop to my knees. As I fall away you quickly toss me onto the desk on my back. You grab the large tube of super glue and shove the tip into my soppy tight joy box. I moan as the cool jell invades my entrance. try and rub my pussy and you grab my hand.

"Give it a minute". You grin as I put looking up at you with a sweaty brow. My eyes are large, pupils dilated and my lips quiver.

"Pleaaase can I touch her... she needs me....".

You shake your head and hands me some latex gloves.

"Use these, and here is sone more 'lubricant for you'.

I put on the gloves and you squirt a dollop of super glue in my hand.

You increase the rhythm of the milking machine to a mad pace as I gasp and roll onto my back.

You take pictures of me rubbing my throbbing pussy with my sticky gloved hands, tracing along the cups still milking me, and licking my pussy juice coated fingers.

"MMMMmmmmm... hmm'????


"Do you feel that hot cum deep inside you slut?" As your pussy starts to seal up.

You start to cum but your pussy is already glued feel the fluids build up but you don't want to stop. Your breast are swollen and sucked dry. I take some of your milk and pour you a glass....

" drink up some milk and see how you taste"....with a smile.

I take pictures as you drink the whole glass while spilling a little on you.

You smile and ask "now what boss man.."

"Well I think its time for me to go" as I unhook the machine from your sore breast....but instead of untying you I get more needles with a higher dose.

"What are you doing" you ask in fear

I injected you for a second time.....

"You need to do more testing my dear..."as I hook the machine back up. "You have a lovely night"...I turn the lights off, grab the milk for my cereal in the morning, and walk out with the sound of you moaning and screaming.

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